Caythorpe is the Bee’s Knees

There is a ‘buzz’ around Caythorpe Primary School after we received a ‘Good’ Ofsted grading, following a visit before Christmas.
The report stated, ‘Caythorpe Primary is a warm and welcoming school that is treasured by pupils and their families. The school’s vision is to ‘nurture hearts and inspire minds’.
Pupils feel happy and safe. They rightly describe the school as inclusive and caring.’
Ofsted added, ‘the school has high expectations of pupils’ behaviour and achievement… their good behaviour positively contributes to their learning. Routines are well understood, including within the early years.’
The report also noted, ‘parents and carers are extremely positive about the school. They express gratitude for the work of the school and the impact this work has on their child. Communication with parents is a particular strength in the early years. This helps children to have a happy start to school.’
Caythorpe was praised for its support of pupils with SEND. ‘Pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) receive expert support. The school ensures that their needs are quickly identified and addressed. The curriculum is suitably adapted so that pupils successfully take part in all lessons. Pupils with SEND flourish in the school and achieve well.’
Helen Hunt, Headteacher at Caythorpe Primary School, explained: “the report reflects the hard work and commitment of the staff at Caythorpe Primary School to strive to make the school an inclusive and caring place to learn and play.
The report also states that the children are a credit to the school, to quote the inspector – “The ‘Caythorpe bees’ (be ready, be responsible, be respectful) are central to the school’s work … Lessons ‘buzz’ with pupils’ enthusiasm.”
It seems we really are the bees’ knees!”
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