As a CIT School we adopt and follow all the Trust Values of:
• Honesty and Integrity
• Aspiration
• Professionalism
• Inclusivity
Alongside these we have our own school values that work within the community we serve:

At Caythorpe it is our vision that the school is a happy place, where children are individuals, cared for within a supportive, secure and creative environment. We “nurture hearts and inspire minds!” We endeavour to promote positive relationships where both staff and children can inspire each other to achieve their full potential.
To achieve this, we believe our curriculum should:
– meet the needs of all children whatever their ability and promote a passion for learning and willingness to explore.
– should promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at the school and of society – developing and promoting cultural capital.
– prepare pupils at the school for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life empowering them to meet life’s challenges.
It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum (a set of subjects and standards used to ensure that children learn the same things and achieve the standards set out), but also the range of memorable experiences, passport activities and extra-curricular activities that the school organises in order to enrich the experience of the children. It also includes a ‘moral curriculum’, to promote empathy and gratitude, those aspects of development that children learn from the way they are treated and expected to behave.
The Three Bees
At Caythorpe Primary School, our curriculum is underpinned by ‘The Caythorpe Bees’:
– Be Ready
– Be Respectful
– Be Responsible
Our curriculum is a powerful tool that promotes ‘a passion for learning’ and willingness to explore and the time to have fun. We are proud to use the National Curriculum as a starting point for wide and varied learning experiences for our children. We enrich it by our strong ethos based on our Three Bees.
We are committed to developing the whole child. Our children will have the opportunity to be creative, to be physically active and to be academically challenged. We are continually reviewing and improving the curriculum we offer to our children. The curriculum at Caythorpe Primary School is evolving according to the needs of our children and to the aspirations of the staff and community.
Our learners will be motivated by a strong personal sense of morality. They will make decisions for the right reasons and in the best interests of their community. They will be able to decide what is right and what is wrong, and will be resilient to the influence of others. They will go out into the world and make a difference in their own life and to others. Our learners will be the owners of their own destinies.
Intentions and Aims
At Caythorpe School we aim to:
• Teach a fun and enriched curriculum within stimulating and exciting environments, packed full of inspiring experiences and opportunities.
• Encourage enthusiasm and enjoyment whilst being active and making healthy lifestyle choices; creating lifelong positive attitudes towards sport, exercise and being outdoors.
• Create opportunities for children to explore beliefs; respect faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world.
• Recognise, understand and engage the laws, morals and traditions that underpin the British values
• Develop well-mannered children who understand right from wrong and can make positive choices
• Be fully engaged with parents/carers of our pupils and involved with all aspects of local life and mutually supported by the community.
• Provide a supportive environment which ensures staff are: happy, motivated, confident, dedicated, valued and want to achieve the highest possible standards for the children.
‘The Bees’ are referred to throughout all aspects of school life and are rewarded to individual pupils who have demonstrated these values thought the year in our Friday Celebration Assemblies and end of year awards ceremony.
Our teachers ask learners to undertake positions of responsibility around school, as we believe that children understand values by seeing them in action in others.
These include:
– Classroom Monitors.
– School Council Representatives.
– Playground Leaders (Active Ambassadors).
– Dining Hall Helpers.
– The Eco-Team.
– First Aid Monitors.
– Technology Monitors.
– E-Safety Leaders.
– Book Monitors.
– Year 6 Buddies and House Captains.
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