Caythorpe School is part of CIT Academies
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In a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT), the Trust is responsible for all of its schools/academies. For the Community Inclusive Trust, governance of our MAT resides with Members, Trustees and Local School Boards.

Members: The members are akin to the shareholders of a company. They have ultimate control over the academy Trust, with the ability to appoint some of the Trustees and the right to amend the Trust’s Articles of Association. CLICK HERE to view the CIT Articles.

Trustees: The trustees are responsible for the three core areas of governance.
– Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
– Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and
– Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.

CIT’s Members and Trustees oversee the whole organisation and the MAT is the legal Governing Body for all CIT schools, but much of the work of the Trust Board is delegated to the Local School Board. CLICK HERE to view the CIT Scheme of Delegation.

Meet the CIT Trust Board Members & Trustees


Local School Boards and Local Governors: Schools have a committed team of Governors who are actively involved in the life of the school. They reflect the community they serve and include parent, community and staff representatives. Governors serve as a key link between the Trust Board, parents/carers and the local community. They monitor the performance of the school, advising the Trustees on what’s going well and of any concerns.

If you want to bring any matters to the attention of the Local School Board, you should email the Clerk: or address your correspondence to the Chair of Governors at the school address.

The Governors are passionate about the school and are here to make sure that every young person is given the best education, opportunities and experiences possible. Our Governors play an important role in overseeing the work of the school, acting as “critical friends” for the Senior Leadership Team and holding the school to account for performance and development.

Please note that any complaints regarding the school must be raised in line with our complaints policy found HERE and cannot be raised with the Local School Board.

To find out more about CIT’s Governance Structure, please click the link below:

View CIT’s Governance Structure



Paul Bulmer – Chair of Governors

Paul has worked in flying training and training management with the RAF for the last 10 years. Prior to this he had a career as a mechanical engineer which saw him travel extensively and work in many different challenging environments around the world.

He is passionate about enabling anybody within the education and training system to achieve the maximum from their potential.Recently settling in the local area with his wife and young son, he looks forward to integrating with, and doing what he can for, the local community.

Helen Hunt – Headteacher & Staff Governor

After studying for her degree and QTS in Scarborough and Leeds, Helen began her teaching career working in London and then in Buckinghamshire. After having her son, she returned to her home area of Nottinghamshire.

Helen has had opportunities to develop lots of areas within the schools she has worked in, including PSHE, PE, Phonics, Maths and Science and have taught all age groups in the primary age range.

Helen is passionate about teaching and learning as she continues to extend upon and develop her practice. She gained her Maths Specialist Teaching certificate at Nottingham Trent University . I successfully completed a NPQH is April 2021.
Helen’s previous role as Deputy Headteacher at Caythorpe gives her the opportunity to be part of the teaching, learning and assessment of all of the pupils as well as developing the teaching practices of staff and trainee teachers who work in our setting.

Now, as Headteacher of the school she is proud to be a part of Caythorpe’s next stage in their journey to ensure all pupils have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities and experiences which enrich our curriculum offer.

Sarah Smith – Safeguarding Governor & Parent Governor

Sarah has lived in Caythorpe since 2019, but has had personal connections with the village for many years. Her grandmother was Deputy Headteacher of the primary school during the 1960s and 70s! Sarah’s mother attended the school, her daughter does now, and her son will too. Sarah is keen to ensure the pupils of Caythorpe Primary School are given the best education, opportunities, and nurture to enable them to thrive.

Her role as a primary school leader gives me a detailed knowledge and understanding of school systems, regulations, frameworks and the day-to-day reality of the pressures staff and pupils face in schools today. She is therefore able to offer support to the Headteacher, staff and pupils, as well as appropriate challenge and ‘holding to account’ a governor must do.

Sarah recently completed the NPQH qualification and is a Local Authority Key Stage 2 Moderator. Alongside her in-school role, she also works with other schools within her school’s Trust to monitor and evaluate curriculum provision.

Amy Fulcher – Community Governor

Amy is a primary school teacher within CIT. After qualifying with her Teaching and Art degree and QTS in Lincoln, she went to work at a school in Lincolnshire.

Amy has been teaching for 15 years and within that time has worked in Early years and KS1. She has also had the opportunity to widen her knowledge and practice deeper within the areas of phonics, PSHE and most recently Forest School.

Amy is a qualified Forest School Leader and loves this part of her job as she is able to work on a child centred approach to learning that offers great opportunities for holistic development.

Amy was delighted when given the opportunity to become a Governor at Caythorpe Primary School as she has the chance to support the school in ensuring that the pupils receive an enriching and inspiring curriculum.

Jonathan Felton – Parent Governor
Michael Roberts -_ Staff Governor

Michael has worked in education since 2012, beginning his career as a teaching assistant whilst completing a teaching degree at Bishop Grosseteste University. He has worked across all Key Stages during his career and feels this has broadened his knowledge through leading multiple subjects including Phonics, English, Art and Music.

Michael joined Caythorpe in 2022 and has enjoyed being part of the school’s journey over the past 3 years. He appreciates being part of a larger Trust and making the most of the networking opportunities this presents.

Dr Stephen Hopkins – Special Interest Trustee

Stephen is an educational professional with 40 years’ experience as a teacher, Headteacher, LA adviser, Ofsted Inspector, DfE Civil Servant, and Educational Consultant. He is also a Governance professional with experience as a Governor, Academy Chair, MAT Chair, Chair of IEB, and Governance Consultant working for the National Governance Association.

As a Trustee, Stephen is charged with the responsibility of seeking – on behalf of parents and stakeholders – assurance linked to the quality of provision provided by the schools within the Trust and the use of public funds to the best effect.

Stephen is Chair of the CIT Trust Board, and takes a special interest Caythorpe Primary School.

Jo Ingle – Clerk to the Local School Board

Please contact Jo in the first instance –

LSB Documents

LSB Terms of Reference


LSB Attendance Register


LSB Register of Interest

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